The benefits of being in a state of flow

“Flow” is a state of optimal performance and engagement. Recognising the moments and conditions in which we feel in flow and at our most present and alive state, is of precious service to both ourselves and the people we serve. A flow state is an essential energy condition that is required to inspire change, build sustained value and introduce hope, optimism and unity to life and the vocation/ occupation we serve within.

Resistance, on the other hand, prevents, inhibits and restrains flow. Resistance initiates and thrives on doubt, friction, disharmony, argument and contention. Resistance originates from fear and feels dark, triggering, tense and inhibiting. Resistance can be caused by a lack of sustained rejuvenation, clarity on the mission and/ or a limited and narrow belief system. Finding our way through resistance and transitioning to a contrasting flow state, is a rewarding path, personal commitment and investment to mastery.

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi first coined the term “flow” in the 1970s while studying happiness and creativity. Csikszentmihalyi defined “flow” as a highly focused mental state conducive to productivity and “a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.”

Clarity amplifies flow

Achieving flow is about removing chaos, disharmony, unnecessary interference, conflict and friction points, that drain and sap good energy and spirit, holding back our creative genius and innate potential.

Being in a state of flow is a powerful vibrating energy, that empowers us to consciously choose our path, connect with the principles that we want to conduct ourselves by and to connect with a/ our higher purpose.

Clarity allows us to make powerful life affirming decisions that have the capacity to shift outcomes and positively impact both ourselves and those around us.

This clarity can optimise our productivity and help us to deliver uplifting impact to the way we serve and the quality legacy we deliver.

Enhancing Productivity

When we enter a state of flow, we are fully immersed to the task at hand. As a result, our productivity, efficiency and influence increase significantly. We become entirely focused, leading to greater accuracy, attention to detail and engagement, while completing and engaging with tasks with a greater enthusiasm, energy and an overriding emphasis on quality output and sustained performance..

Flow also improves our problem-solving abilities. Since we’re entirely present in the task, we’re more likely to notice patterns, possibilities, and potential solutions that we may have missed in a (stress fuelled) distracted or disengaged state. In other words, being flow focused creates a mental space where we can concentrate our attention in such a way that it makes solving problems easier and more enjoyable, while it also expands our ability to be open ourselves up to being unguarded and thereby increase our receptiveness to learn and grow.

Creating a Positive Influence

Being in a state of flow doesn’t only benefit ourselves; it also has positive effects on those around us. Our focused energy is contagious, and when we’re in flow, we are more open and responsive to those we interact with throughout the day. We become more empathetic, creative, and innovative, bringing these qualities to our personal and professional relationships.

In the workplace, those in a state of flow are more likely to make meaningful contributions to their organisation’s goals and objectives. Flow enhances our capacity to develop creative solutions and generate new ideas that will ultimately lead to increased efficiency and profitability.

Everyone enjoys feeling valued and recognised, so Flow is contagious and also inspires others, leading to increased motivation, fulfilment and empowerment in their work and contribution. By being present and involved in our tasks, we communicate to our colleagues and friends that we value them and the work that they do, resonating a shared sense of unity, purpose and preparedness to go further to improve, grow and transform.

Achieving Flow

While flow is a state that feels effortless and spontaneous, it can’t be willed or scheduled. However, we can create the conditions necessary for flow to occur. Here are some actionable tips to enhance your ability to achieve a state of flow:

  1. Eliminate distractions: it’s difficult to achieve flow if we’re constantly distracted by friction or disruptive influences. Eliminate all possible interruptions and potential triggers. Establish a sustained high-performance routine and good energy environment to get into and maintain a state of flow eg. consistent good habits, behaviours, company etc..
  2. Set achievable goals: have a clear idea of what you want to achieve, starting stretching yet achievable goals will help avoid frustration and grasping for solutions that seem too far beyond your current practical capacity. These goals should also align with your purpose and sense of fulfilment, supporting the likelihood of experiencing a state of flow.
  3. Engage in challenging tasks: it’s fulfilling to stretch yourself by choosing tasks that are challenging enough to require your full concentration but not so challenging that you become overwhelmed or discouraged.
  4. Feedback is essential: to transcend into a state of flow, requires us to adjust course, remain alert, and maintain the balance between challenge and skill. Soliciting feedback and applying the lessons learned allows us to improve our performance and results.


While the state of flow can be an elusive and unpredictable experience, we can maximise our potential to enter into that state of optimal performance and engagement, by taking steps to create the right conditions.

Being in a state of flow enhances our productivity and can positively impact and influence those around us, making it a valuable investment in our personal and professional growth. By leveraging the benefits of flow, we can accomplish and inspire great things while enjoying the journey.

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