Our Coachvirtus’s purpose is to empower, elevate and inspire visionary leaders

Coachvirtus Leadership Performance System

Coachvirtus’s purpose is to empower and inspire visionary leaders, to advance sustainable and uplifting purpose, that serves, nurtures and positively impacts humanity and the planet’s well-being.

For relationships, performance and abundant positive energy to flourish, leaders need to continually expand and invest into their skills and enhance their self-awareness. By creating these conditions for growth and high-performance, they can empower, nurture and inspire the people they lead, to create an unstoppable, sustainable and intentional energy, that elevates prosperity, success and well-being.

To serve as their best vibrant version, leaders require a balanced awareness of self, a presence of mind to potential biases, blind spots and limitations and a wholehearted curiosity and dedication to personal growth and advancement.

It requires and open mind state, courage and a purpose led curiosity to do the inner growth work as a leader and create the conditions for high performance.

Our Coachvirtus Why – is to inspire sustainable leadership so that together, each of us is empowered, self aware and ready to take action that makes a positive impact to humankind and our planet.

If each of us can show up as our best version, imagine what we can achieve. There are many inter-connected aspects that contribute to a holistic, balanced and sustained vibrant life. Each domain requires self awareness, mastery and focus – to live our best life and show up as a leader that can make a positive impact.

Our Coachvirtus Executive Leadership programme works with our partners and clients to evaluate each of the domains and integrate them into an embedded plan that can amplify performance, impact and contribution.

Our Coachvirtus HOW

COURAGEKey words:
Open – Positive – Resilient – Optimistic – Action orientated
We awaken the possible and show up with courageous spirit
WISDOMKey words:
Active Listener – Present – Smart – Innovator – Simplicity – Collaborate
We value, thrive and prosper on a present mind-set, insight and good judgement
Key words:
Personal Growth – Humble – Renewal – Calm – Love – Positive Habits
We grow, thorough personal mastery and the pursuit of excellence
Key words:
Trust – Empathy – Compassion – Solution driven – Inclusion
We do the right thing
SUSTAINKey words:
Renew – Improve – Resilient – Clean – Balanced – Long-term – Holistic
We do what we say we believe, to create clean value and prosperity

* best – defined as: purposeful, present and vibrant