New Chapters To Supercharge Life With Leadership & Life Coaching

A Leadership & Life Coaching can transform conditioned thinking and open up new energy and perspective. We all have a duty and purpose to enhance peoples lives. This starts with applying a sustainable leadership mindset.

This simple task in life is for Leaders to make people feel more valued and more connected to their purpose. Just imagine how we could transform the planet and humankind if we all embrace this mindset.

Lack of Self Awareness Creates A poor leader …. and we don’t need anymore of them

I spoke with a friend that works in a challenging space, a dedicated professional in there sector.  They’d recently been to the hospital as they hadn’t been feeling well.  When I bumped into them I enquired how they were doing and how were they feeling since their hospital visit. 

They replied that they’d realised that the root cause of them being poorly was stress related.  A demanding and critical care role had been made more challenging. Their boss used a ‘taking’ behaviour and style of leadership, which they referred to as toxic.  

Their role has high demands and requires a clear judgment and empathy. There leadership and conduct impacts peoples lives and well being. They need all the help and resources to help them serve and perform their job brilliantly.

They experienced a build up of pressure over time. As a result, they were contemplating finding an alternative company or path to release the stress.

Leadership Life Coaching growth performance system

Take Good Care Of Other Humans – with Leadership & Life Coaching

Unfortunately, there are too many examples of poor leadership. We often come across these outcomes when it’s too late to do anything about it. We can and must strive to do better. 

This case study demonstrates how exceptionally important it is for the culture to be attuned to the team. It is crucial for their well being.  After all, a happy team is an effective team. How can people show up as their best version? Leadership must be aware and mindful of setting and leading a purpose-driven culture.

The mission of all of our leaders is to create a trustworthiness and nurturing culture that amplifies each individual within the team. Thereby empowering them to serve and enhance the quality of life of the people they serve and interact with.

Imagine What We Achieve By Amplifying People’s Good Energy

Each of us has a choice in how we show up and which path we choose. The negative bias and noise we encounter in society and the media can have an unconscious influence over us. We have to take care to reset and keep a clear head.

The role of the leader is to create and amplify a spirit of positive energy, abundant possibility and purpose driven empowerment. This is within our reach and leaders have a duty to uphold and boost these principles.

By taking that courageous and vulnerable first step, leaders can tackle the unconscious behaviour that has the hidden ability to inhibit peoples best contributions. 

Watchout For The Taker, Especially If They Are The Leader

They went on to describe their Boss as a ‘taker’ and identified themselves as a ‘giver’.  I praised them for this self awareness and their resourcefulness to acknowledge this, both within their line-manager and themselves,  

During our conversation we covered the Adam Grant* observations of Givers, Takers and Matchers.  In summary, Takers are all about self gain and self interest. They show no empathy and awareness to others needs and not interested in win-win outcomes. On the other hand Matchers trade something on the basis that they get something in return. Finally we have the Givers, Givers are compassionate and collaborative and do the kind and selfless deeds and hard work. Givers are key, although they have to take good care not to get burned out.

Leadership & Life Coaching growth awareness take outs; 

  1. Take good care of Givers – develop strategies to prevent the Takers draining their energy, goodwill and intent. The world needs more givers.
  2. Watch out for the Takers. – Their selfish, often concealed approach of personal gain can have a negative impact on people over time. People must build strategies to successfully respond and counter.
  3. Develop a sustainable leadership culture. – Define a set of values that uphold a  high performance, collaborative and respectful working energy and environment.
  4. All sustainable growth starts with courageous self awareness. – Investing into a coach is one way bring the outside in.
  5. Constantly re-set. – Find resourceful and courageous ways and strategies to grow. 

A Present Mindset Is Key Benefit From Engaging Leadership & Life Coaching

Talent is our greatest asset and resource, so let’s invest into it.  Transcendent growth always starts from being courageously and vulnerably self aware, within the right environment and trusted partners. 

Energy, engagement and enthusiasm levels wax and wane over time, as we get tired, bored or distracted. The noise and negative bias in the world can be a burden to navigate around and to have the discipline and confidence to successfully process. 

We all have a responsibility in how we stay fully present, resilient and open to beautiful transformative growth.

Look at this way our job is simple, make each person we come into contact with feel better, more valued and connected to their purpose.

Asking empathetic questions and actively listening to the reply can be very revealing.  In this case it reminded me why there is such important and crucial work to do on elevating leadership. 

We have to call out and address toxic leadership that doesn’t make the world and working culture a better place.  It negatively impacts productivity, well being and detracts from an uplifting human/ client experience.

Imagine how we can transform and step into new possibilities by authentically committing to personal performance growth and cultural excellence. 

Super Humans Are The Gamechangers – Be One!

This blog is composed just after the magnificent Paris Olympics 2024 and with the Paralympics just around the corner.  These incredible super humans talk passionately about what it takes to excel at the highest level.  

High performers recognise and praise their Teams, Families. Leadership & Life Coaching helps and supports them in amplifying their best version and performances.  

In conclusion, there is an essential need for empathetic and great energy leaders that build vibrant cultures. These cultures empower people, provide a trusted space where people can bring their best present energy.

Consequently, Leaders need to embrace a sustainable leadership approach. Sustainable leadership is a total commitment to continuous personal and collective growth.

It is this pursuit of wisdom and growth practice that will empower and inspire the people we interact with. We have a duty to connect people to their purpose. Leadership & Life Coaching can enhance lives and enrich experiences. It enables people to be more present. It helps them take greater ownership. It encourages them to be more courageously self aware.

This commitment and purpose has the potential to supercharge everyone’s life, quite literally. That’s why investing and having skin in the game with a Leadership & Life Coaching system has the potential to be a Game changer.

So here’s wishing you the courage to take that vital leap to elevate – all human performance.

Best wishes


* Source: Professor Adam Grant – Wharton University, Organisational Psychologist and bestselling author – Give and Take.

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